Truss Financial Group Blog

Learn about stated income, bank statement, and DSCR mortgages with the Truss Financial Group blog

DSCR Loans Georgia | 2024 Guide For Real Estate Investors

Real estate investors in Georgia are using debt service coverage ratio (DSCR) loans to expand their portfolios. Qualifying for investment property financing in Georgia can be challenging, but these loans provide an easy alternative for real estate investors.

DSCR Mortgage Loans Colorado 2024 | Everything You Need To Know

Investing in real estate in Colorado is a great long-term wealth strategy. Colorado DSCR mortgages...

DSCR Loan Arizona | Your Real Estate Investment Guide

For investors eyeing the commercial real estate market in Arizona, DSCR loans offer an appealing...

Everything You Need to Know about Loans on Commercial Properties

The commercial real estate market in the United States has substantial growth potential, with...

Detailed Guide to: States that Don't Tax Retirement Income

Taxes have a way of finding your income no matter where it tries to hide. But what if there were...

Can You Get a DSCR Loan Without Down Payment? | Guide for Real Estate Investors

As a real estate investor, you’ll never be short of funding options. FHA loans, hard money loans,...

Complete Guide to Stated Income Personal Loans

Complete Guide to Stated Income Personal Loans

If you are currently unemployed, were recently laid...

Guide to Choosing the Best Bank Statement Loan Lenders

What is a Bank Statement Loan?

Also known as a stated income loan, a bank statement loan relies on...

How Bank Statements Can Secure Your Business Loan

When businesses request loans, lenders need a way to ensure their financial stability before they...