Truss Financial Group Blog

Learn about stated income, bank statement, and DSCR mortgages with the Truss Financial Group blog

Flagstar Bank No Longer Funding Nontraditional Mortgages

In another major turn of events during the COVID-19 pandemic, Michigan-based Flagstar...

Tighter Mortgage Standards Amid COVID-19

One of the defining characteristics of the current pandemic is uncertainty. Industries...

Challenges Aren't Roadblocks

It has been a decade since the housing crisis and crash of 2008 and 2009. In its wake,...

Mortgage Rejections and The New Employment Landscape

The way people work is changing. 30-year careers with giant companies are becoming...

Proposed Legislation Could Change Self-Employed Mortgages

The legislative response to the crash and housing bubble of 2008/2009 added protections...

Are Stated Income Loans Still Available?

Stated income loans were quite popular before the economic crisis of 2008. In the years...

3 Types of Bank Statement Mortgages for Business Owners

As we discussed in the previous post, bank statement mortgages are NOT considered...

How Do Bank Statement Mortgages Work?

Bank statement mortgages are one of the better (and more available) options for...

Self-Employed Mortgages Get Easier with New Bill

The way people work is changing. More than ever, we're living in a "gig economy" - where...

Understanding Debt-To-Income Ratio

As you begin looking at houses and shopping around for mortgages, you're like to...