Truss Financial Group Blog

Learn about stated income, bank statement, and DSCR mortgages with the Truss Financial Group blog

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How Do Bank Statement Loans Work?

Mortgages for the self-employed can be daunting. Small business owners and entrepreneurs are likely...

Stated Income Mortgages for the Self-Employed

If you are self-employed and looking for a mortgage, don’t get discouraged. There’s hope thanks to...

Getting a mortgage while self-employed

You’ve been reading up on stated income mortgages, and the search results are not good. Your search...

Self-Employed Can Expect Less Paperwork for Mortgages

Picture this…it’s 2016, and you just finished watching Stranger Things. Whoa. Between the 80s...

Do Stated Income Loans Still Exist?

If you’ve been doing research on a mortgage, you may have run across the term “stated income loan”...

Tighter Mortgage Standards Amid COVID-19

One of the defining characteristics of the current pandemic is uncertainty. Industries...

Mortgage Rejections and The New Employment Landscape

The way people work is changing. 30-year careers with giant companies are becoming...

3 Types of Bank Statement Mortgages for Business Owners

As we discussed in the previous post, bank statement mortgages are NOT considered...

How Do Bank Statement Mortgages Work?

Bank statement mortgages are one of the better (and more available) options for...

Self-Employed Mortgages Get Easier with New Bill

The way people work is changing. More than ever, we're living in a "gig economy" - where...